When childbirth is belated…

         …would you like an expert solution to attain the pregnancy you’ve been longing for?

All your questions on infertility will be answered at my private office in the heart of Budapest, Hungary!

Konzultáció közben Dr. Fülöp IstvánnalMy medical services are at your disposal and I offer a wide variety of treatment options ranging from full check-up through operative techniques to assisted reproduction. My office has a convenient location and presents a friendly, discreet atmosphere.

My practice has the medical background of an advanced private clinic. The check-up is speedy and convenient and the treatment of choice is decided according to the latest professional guidelines.

There are no long waiting lists and referrals. I offer a one-stop shop for managing your problem. Under optimal circumstances, within six weeks I will give you a recommendation for therapy to obtain the desired pregnancy.

Do you suffer from menstrual disorders? Do you have pelvic pain? Are you struggling with endometriosis? I am skilled in the area of advanced endoscopic procedures. This will enable you to leave the hospital within 2-3 days with only a few small incisions on your stomach and to return to your normal daily activities within 10 days post-procedure.

If this interests you please contact me in any of the following ways NOW!

Come and see me at my office, please contact me for an appointment at the following number:

rendelőGynecological private practice of Istvan Fülöp, MD.
1126 Budapest
17. Németvölgyi st.  (1. Orbánhegyi st.)
Tel: +36-30-630-1480

nők lapjaIf you would like to ask me questions on infertility or any related topic, click here! I will send you my answers within three business days.
If you are interested in reading more about infertility, enter your contact information in the left side banner box and I will send you my newsletter series titled "Backstage infertility”.
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Thank you for your trust and I look forward to serving you.

István Fülöp, MD

Infertility and endoscopic specialist

Articles about infertility Articles about infertility

Dr. Fülöp István meddőségi rendelőjeMeddőségi kezelés közben Dr. Fülöp Istvánnal
Infertility examination protocol Endoscopic procedures
Dr. Fülöp István
Meddőségi és Endoszkópos specialista
1136 Budapest, Balzac utca 12. fsz 3.
+36 30 630 ....
Új Széchenyi Terv
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